Publicaciones de Santiago Eduardo
Santiago Eduardo  Suarez Pinzon

Santiago Eduardo Suarez Pinzon

Engineering forest

Bogotá D.C.

Digital business structure and working methods.

I have developed 2 main pillars of products; 1) programming of objects in existing platforms through 1 Management Strategy and Development of Online Innovation Technologies. 2) a series composed of software products = 24 Excel's + 23 Word's + 5 folders in Windows, with this software I have developed 3 specific work skills: 1) design of 1 Excel of structural calculation according to the NSR-10 title G. 2) structural and floristic characterization/typification in natural vegetation/disetaneous/heterogeneous forests, dasometry/forest measurement in anthropic vegetation/commercial reforestation or forest plantations/contemporary/homogeneous or trees whose physiognomy is mostly very similar to contemporary units. 3) 1 product that corresponds to 1 physical and digital management instrument for the design of 1 Forest Cluster that contributes to the development of conservation. The above is the result of 2 specializations or divisions of work that I have according to the economist Adan Smith; 1) Developer determined by my way of programming. 2) engineer and data analyst determined by my 3 competencies and work experience which in total is 2.42 years in certified forestry engineering.

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